URGENT: We have joined Dragon Fitness, find us at 442 Atterbury Road, Menlopark, Pretoria.

Friday, 25 July 2014




(while stock lasts)

Why would i want to use Training Mask 2.0?
•Increased lung capacity
•Increased anaerobic thresholds
•Increased oxygen efficiency
•Increased energy Production
•Increased Mental and physical stamina increase
•Increased Mental Focus gets better

Elevation Training Mask mimics the effects of High Altitude Training.
When elite athletes want to improve their performance they go to high altitude levels to train. When they come back to sea level they perform much stronger, faster, and have increased endurance.
Training Mask makes your work out more efficient allowing you to take your work out from 60 minutes to 20 minutes. From the average daily walker to the marathon runner, Training Mask appeals to every athlete who wants to improve their overall health and performance.

What is the Elevation Training Mask?
Elevation Training Mask is a patent pending "Resistance Training Device" that helps condition the lungs by creating pulmonary resistance and strengthening the diaphragm.
Elevation Training Mask will help you regulate your breathing, increase lung stamina, lung capacity, oxygen efficiency and increase overall mental focus. Training Mask can help your over all performance in all sports and daily living

Elevation Training Mask helps!
By condition the lungs and creating pulmonary resistance, your diaphragm is strengthened, surface area and elasticity in the alveoli is increased. Elevation Training Mask will help get your breathing under control and help with lung stamina, increase lung capacity, oxygen efficiency and increase over all mental focus. Training Mask can be used to make you become a better athlete in all sports and daily living.
Our multi-level resistance system reduces air flow through our patent pending flux valve system. Training Mask promotes increased lung capacity by forcing you to inhale fuller deeper breaths. When your body adapts to the resistance your lungs will be trained to take deeper breaths and use oxygen more efficiently. A short explanation of how this works is simple. When you breath against resistance the lining in the lungs essentially stretches out allowing the alveoli’s surface area to become "stretched" thus in return allows for more blood flow to the alveoli for more (oxygen transportation). When you increase "surface area" you increase red blood cell count that will be able to carry more oxygen out to the extremities.




(while stock lasts)

Our Location: CrossFit Greenlyn, Shop 22A, Greenlyn Village, Corner 13th street and Mackenzie, Menlopark, Pretoria.

Friday, 18 July 2014

THE GREENLYN FUN TEAM WOD DAY: Mixed Male and Female Teams WOD 3

WOD 3.1 13min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
14 Burpees (15cm out of reach target)
14 Clean and Jerk (60/40) // Floor to shoulders - Clean (50/30)
14 Toes 2 Bar // MB Sit Ups (7.5/5kg)
*One Person moves at a time, total reps of each exercise must be completed before moving on to the next exercise/round.
WOD 3 Movement Standards:
RX+Scaled: Burpees (15cm out of reach target)
*Chest must come to contact to floor. *Both hands must touch at the same time the target out of standing reach. *If athlete fails to touch the target, or with both hands at same time. Athlete can just repeat the jump and not the whole movement.

(Video Link: ) RX: Clean and Jerk
*RX: Men: 60kg / Ladies 40kg
*Weight starts from floor, weight is then pulled onto shoulders to the front rack position. *Then press the above the to a overhead position with the bar being directly above your heels and in arms are inline with your ears.
*The next repetition will start with the weight on the floor.

(Video Link: ) Scaled: Clean
*Scaled: Men 50kg / Ladies 30kg
*Weight starts from floor, weight is then pulled onto shoulders to the front rack position to complete the repetition.
*The next repetition will start with the weight on the floor.

RX: Toes 2 Bar RX: Toes 2 Bar - From hang position from the pull up bar with your feet hanging directly underneath or behind bring your feet to both physically touch the bar between your hands at the same time.
(IN SAME VIDEO) Scaled: Medicine Ball Sit Ups
*Men: 7.5kg / Ladies: 5kg *MB starts behind your head touching the floor, then using your arms you raise it up and touch the floor in front of your feet. Bring it back to behind your head to start your next repetition.

THE GREENLYN FUN TEAM WOD DAY: Mixed Male and Female Teams WOD 2

WOD 2.1 14min Cap
2 Man “Fran” train

Person A: Does Thrusters (40/25 // 30/18) Only while: Person B (RX): Hangs with chin over the pull up bar or (Scaled): chest touching rings.

then they Switch roles which after

Person A: Does Pull Ups // Ring Rows.
Only while: 
While person B Holds Bar in Front Rack Position with hes/her bar

then they Switch roles again.

*Complete this routine till team members have each completed their 
21, then 15, then 9, then 6 and the 3 reps for each role.

*If team mates are using the same weights for thrusters they can use 1 bar..

WOD 2 Movement Standards:
RX: Hangs with chin over the pull up bar
*Person not performing Thrusters must be in this position to allow team mate 
to perform hes/hes thruster reps.
*Any grip is allowed.
*If person not performing Thrusters is not in position, the person performing the thrusters reps will not count.

Scaled: Chest touching rings. *Rings must be set to the height level of your hip. *Feet must be directly underneath the bar which the rings hang from at all times.
*Males: Rings must be in contact with chest.
*Female: Elbows must be visible past the body. *Person not performing Thrusters must be in this position to allow team mate to be to perform hes/hes thruster reps.
*If person not performing Thrusters is not in position, the person performing the thrusters reps will not count.

RX+Scaled: Thrusters *RX: Men: 40kg / Ladies 25kg
*Scaled: Men: 30kg / Ladies 18kg
*Squat bellow parallel with the bar resting on shoulder in a front rack position
*Fully extend arms and hips at top position

 RX+Scaled: Holding Bar in Front Rack Position
*Rest the bar on your shoulders with your elbows in front.

RX: Pull Ups *Starting position: Hang from the bar with your arms extended fully without support. *Finishing position: Pull yourself up so your chin is higher than the bar your hanging from.
*Any method can be used. eg: strict pull ups, kipping or butterfly.

Scaled: Ring Rows *Rings must be set to the height level of your hip. *Feet must be directly underneath the bar which the rings hang from at all times. *Starting position: Lean back with arms fully extended. *Males: Finishing position: Pull yourself up so the rings must be in contact with chest.
Female: Finishing position: Pull yourself up to make your elbows visible at the back of your body.

THE GREENLYN FUN TEAM WOD DAY: Mixed Male and Female Teams WOD 1

2:30 Person A: AMRAP DU/Skips
2:30 Person B: AMRAP DU/Skips

then straight to

20 Over the 20” Box Jumps Or Step up and over.
40 KB Swings (24/16 // 20/12) *One Person moves at a time, total reps of each exercise must be completed before moving on to the next exercise/round.
WOD 1 Movement Standards:
RX: Double Unders
*Rep is when jump rope must pass twice under feet per jump.

RX Single Jumps:  *Rep is when jump rope passes under both feet feet 

RX: Over Box Jumps (Option 1)
*Both feet leave at same time from floor.

RX: Over Box Jumps (Option 2)
*Both legs must leave the from together and land together on the other side.

Scaled: Over Box Step Ups  *Both legs start on floor. then cross over the box however you choose till both legs are on other side.

RX+Scaled: Kettlebell Swing *RX: Men 24kg / Ladies 16kg and Scaled: Men 20kg / Ladies 12kg *Kettlebell needs to pass between the legs and all the way above your head, form a straight line down towards your heels.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

7-12th July Open week Schedule

7th - 12th July Open week & Bring a friend week schedule
Open week is finally here, below we have listed your daily plan of all the exercises and their different levels of challenge that will be part of each days workout.
Don’t miss out on this CrossFit Greenlyn learning experience!

Click here to Sign up!


1) The week ahead is all about having fun, try attend everyday or at least 4 days of the week to not miss out on this opportunity!
*If you're tired and your muscles are stiff don't worry the coach will scale your class accordingly and help you mobilize your body and not miss out on the weeks learning. Once your body warms up and the blood gets flowing you will feel much better take our word for it.

2) Stay hydrated throughout the week (Drink 2 to 3 liters of water each day)

*Never train on a empty through out the week. We recommend keeping simple such as a fruit (banana/apple/pear…) before each class and have a clean nutrient rich meal (eg: lean meat and a salad with some rice) within 60 minutes after your class.
4) Wear comfortable shoes, bring your sweat towel and water bottle, enjoy our ionized water.
*Safety, be thoughtful of your and those around you’s safety, your coaches priority is to make sure your guide you through each days workouts safely and effectively.

Always ask your questions no matter what. (If you have to pop us a email)

Class times:
Monday to Friday morning: 5am, 6am, 7am & 8am.

Monday to Thursday afternoon: 3:30pm (excluding Tuesdays), 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm

The Weeks planned exercises to teach are as follows:

Push up,
Air squat,
Pull ups &
Barbell Clean and jerk.

Box jump,
Sit up,
Deadlift &
Jump rope

Medicine ball,
Hanging bar work,
Effective metabolic condition &
Barbell snatch

C2 Rower,
Bodyweight complex movements,
Kettlebells &
Inverted bodyweight work.

*Best of all Surprise!
Note there will be a special Friday afternoon 5:00pm class for this Friday.

8:00am Social fun Saturday interbox workout to meet everyone & all are welcome to join us for breakfast and or coffee at Greenlyn Food Market!