Sanlie Van Der Walt
always has been part of our family since day one of joining and has proven to be vital part of the heart of Greenlyn making Greenlyn whole and more the home it has become to all of us.
"What Makes a Great CrossFit Member?"
At CrossFit Greenlyn, the coaches select an Athlete of the Month and feature that person on our Facebook Page, Box Wall and our blog. I believe a good amount of CrossFit gyms do something similar and even the CrossFit Games has a special award called the “Spirit of the Games” to recognize a particular athlete. I’d like to take some time and go over some of the major characteristics that I believe embody an Athlete of the Month, Spirit of the Games awardee, or simply a great CrossFit member.
First, let’s go over what this is NOT. This is not “What Makes a Great CrossFit Athlete?” It is not necessarily a recognition of the “best” athlete as it pertains to performance, or the most outgoing, or the most technically proficient. This recognition actually has nothing to do with absolute performance and everything to do with who the person is in the context of a CrossFit environment.
A good CrossFit member is positive. Not necessarily in an always-smiling-cheerleader way, but certainly not a negative Nancy. They realize that fitness should be fun and enjoyable, and they spread that fun to people around them. No one likes to be around a grouch, so let those endorphins do their work!
A good CrossFit member is positive. Not necessarily in an always-smiling-cheerleader way, but certainly not a negative Nancy. They realize that fitness should be fun and enjoyable, and they spread that fun to people around them. No one likes to be around a grouch, so let those endorphins do their work!
Very simply, a great member doesn’t cheat. People who shave reps (I’ve seen particular individuals cut as much as HALF of their reps off) are insecure and typically feel like they need to appear better than they are. A great member is secure in himself or herself and realizes that although we are measuring fitness in a group setting, at the end of the day only their personal performance matters. They also know that cheaters are found out very quickly by coaches and other members and no one likes a cheater.
Very simply, a great member doesn’t cheat. People who shave reps (I’ve seen particular individuals cut as much as HALF of their reps off) are insecure and typically feel like they need to appear better than they are. A great member is secure in himself or herself and realizes that although we are measuring fitness in a group setting, at the end of the day only their personal performance matters. They also know that cheaters are found out very quickly by coaches and other members and no one likes a cheater.
A solid member doesn’t brag about their results or numbers. I want to make clear that being excited about hitting PRs or progressing to a new level is ABSOLUTELY worthy of telling people and I do not consider that bragging. However, we all know those people who can’t stop talking about themselves, whether it’s how good they are at metcons or worse, telling others that they got bumped down the PR board. In other words, it’s not about what you’re saying as much as how you say it (or act). One of the most fun things to see is someone excited about their new PR. I just don’t need to hear about it every day. And if you are in fact “elite,” then your numbers will speak for themselves.
A solid member doesn’t brag about their results or numbers. I want to make clear that being excited about hitting PRs or progressing to a new level is ABSOLUTELY worthy of telling people and I do not consider that bragging. However, we all know those people who can’t stop talking about themselves, whether it’s how good they are at metcons or worse, telling others that they got bumped down the PR board. In other words, it’s not about what you’re saying as much as how you say it (or act). One of the most fun things to see is someone excited about their new PR. I just don’t need to hear about it every day. And if you are in fact “elite,” then your numbers will speak for themselves.
This goes along with being humble and from my perspective as a coach, this is one of the biggest factors when thinking about Athlete of the Month. I can have a “firebreather” walk in the gym, but if they bring their ego in with them and are closed off to correcting their technique, no bueno. If Olympians have a coach and are constantly looking to improve, then we all should be. In CrossFit, we do so many different movements that everyone has a “goat,” or a weakness to work on. I realize some people might take criticism worse than others, but you must absorb it and decide if it’s advice worth taking instead of immediately disregarding it.
This goes along with being humble and from my perspective as a coach, this is one of the biggest factors when thinking about Athlete of the Month. I can have a “firebreather” walk in the gym, but if they bring their ego in with them and are closed off to correcting their technique, no bueno. If Olympians have a coach and are constantly looking to improve, then we all should be. In CrossFit, we do so many different movements that everyone has a “goat,” or a weakness to work on. I realize some people might take criticism worse than others, but you must absorb it and decide if it’s advice worth taking instead of immediately disregarding it.
CrossFit is about community. There are very few other venues where you are expected to cheer on your “competitors” anywhere from Saturday morning WODs at your local box to high levels of competition such as the CrossFit Games. Supporting fellow athletes in class can mean helping a new member learn the 400m route, introducing yourself to out-of-towners, encouraging someone to pick up the bar in the middle of the workout, or going over and cheering them on as they finish a workout. It also means helping them celebrate their successes as much as you would your own.
CrossFit is about community. There are very few other venues where you are expected to cheer on your “competitors” anywhere from Saturday morning WODs at your local box to high levels of competition such as the CrossFit Games. Supporting fellow athletes in class can mean helping a new member learn the 400m route, introducing yourself to out-of-towners, encouraging someone to pick up the bar in the middle of the workout, or going over and cheering them on as they finish a workout. It also means helping them celebrate their successes as much as you would your own.
Hard work. It’s something that everyone at all levels of fitness can accomplish. Giving it your all in a workout, working on technique every day or week, doing “extra” work such as pull ups or push ups after a workout: these are all examples of hard work. If you take a look at any top performer in any field, they have put in thousands of hours of work. There is even post about the 10,000 hour rule, “What Malcolm Gladwell Has to Do with Olympic Lifting.” But that not mean you have to be a master at CrossFit, but the journey of improvement is more important than the destination. I like this quote as it describes exactly what I’m thinking: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
Hard work. It’s something that everyone at all levels of fitness can accomplish. Giving it your all in a workout, working on technique every day or week, doing “extra” work such as pull ups or push ups after a workout: these are all examples of hard work. If you take a look at any top performer in any field, they have put in thousands of hours of work. There is even post about the 10,000 hour rule, “What Malcolm Gladwell Has to Do with Olympic Lifting.” But that not mean you have to be a master at CrossFit, but the journey of improvement is more important than the destination. I like this quote as it describes exactly what I’m thinking: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
Angela Lee Duckworth is a psychologist who left a high paying consulting job to teach 7th grade math. She has since become a professor at University of Pennsylvania and is the leading expert on “grit” and self-control as it pertains to youth. Instead of focusing on standardized test scores or grades, Duckworth takes a look at a more subjective characteristic in people: grit. She defines grit as “perseverance and passion for long term goals.” (2007) A great CrossFit member is gritty. They ignore the short game of “winning” today’s WOD. Instead, they focus on the long game of improving their technique, strength, and metabolic conditioning. They don’t let a bad day ruin their attitude toward fitness. They don’t let obstacles get in their way of at least trying. A great member does not give up easily because they know a big piece of CrossFit is mental fortitude.
Angela Lee Duckworth is a psychologist who left a high paying consulting job to teach 7th grade math. She has since become a professor at University of Pennsylvania and is the leading expert on “grit” and self-control as it pertains to youth. Instead of focusing on standardized test scores or grades, Duckworth takes a look at a more subjective characteristic in people: grit. She defines grit as “perseverance and passion for long term goals.” (2007) A great CrossFit member is gritty. They ignore the short game of “winning” today’s WOD. Instead, they focus on the long game of improving their technique, strength, and metabolic conditioning. They don’t let a bad day ruin their attitude toward fitness. They don’t let obstacles get in their way of at least trying. A great member does not give up easily because they know a big piece of CrossFit is mental fortitude.
These are just a few of the main characteristics I consistently see in our Athletes of the Month. Typically these characteristics have been ingrained in our stellar members even before they joined CrossFit. However, I think the context of the CrossFit environment allows for these characteristics to really shine. I also think that that they are malleable. In other words, if you think you can work on being more humble, or practice technique more, then do it! There’s no time like the present to start being a great CrossFit member.